Christians and Muslims pray for balance of nature to be respected

December 27, 2007 at 1:48 am | Posted in Anglican Communion, Awareness, Balance, Change, Christianity, Christmas, Climate change, Commitment, England, Environment, Forgiveness, Greed, Hajj, Islam, Leadership, Lifestyles, Mount Arafat, Nature, Prayers, Religion, Reverence, Selfishness, Sermons, Turkey | 1 Comment

The world is not a warehouse to serve our greed, Archbishop tells worshippers

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent, The Times
December 26, 2007

The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday blamed mankind’s greed for endangering the environment.

In his Christmas Day sermon at Canterbury Cathedral, Dr Rowan Williams said: “When we threaten the balance of things, we don’t just put our material survival at risk. More profoundly, we put our spiritual sensitivity at risk, the possibility of being opened up to the endless wonder by the world around us.”

He said that the world was not merely a “warehouse of resources to serve humanity’s selfishness”, and he urged people to treat each other and nature with “reverence”.

The Archbishop also singled out for praise the atheist Richard Dawkins, the Oxford professor recently outed as a carol singer, whom he described as being in touch with the “amazement and awe” of God’s creation. Continue Reading Christians and Muslims pray for balance of nature to be respected…

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